Flicker's Fearsome Fragrances

A gloomy storefront with rows and rows of candles. A dancing flame is managing the cash register. Five creatures are waiting in line. Behind the counter, there is a small amount of the back room visible, with more shelves and a couch visible.

play in the browser

Started on December 26, 2020. Finished on January 3, 2021.

Flicker is a little spark working in their bustling shop that caters to some... curious customers. Help Flicker find everyone's favorite spooky scented candles during the midnight rush!

Special thanks to my wife for her help brainstorming the 45 fragrances. I am at my most creative when I'm laughing with you.

This game was my submission for the Candles Bitsy Jam.

Play note

The version of this game on my website is a little broken because it uses Borksy hacks, which I have not configured with Eleventy yet. It's perfectly playable... right up until the end! For a perfect experience, go to itch.io for now.