
The Author

Hey, I'm Quinten. I'm interested in:

My timeline:

  1. Hobby programming as a kid
  2. Physics and math in undergrad
  3. Robotics grad school
  4. the Recurse Center
  5. ???

This Website

I've created this website in order to encourage myself to write more about my technical misadventures. I was inspired to do so in preparation for my batch at the Recurse Center, because it seems like a good environment to start taking my writing to the next level.

My goal is to write about what I'm doing casually in the Daily Log, and then curate a museum of my current and past projects in Projects. I've been a programmer since 2005. Over the years, I've lost a lot of really cool stuff to disc failure, obscurity, and obsolescence. Technical writing is a great way to collaborate in the present, and it can also be extremely important to the historians of the future. Even if that ends up being just my future self.

Technical details about the site can be found on its project page.